The Defence Security Incident Reporting Form (SIRF) allows individuals to report a security incident to the Ministry of Defence. A security incident includes any event that compromises or has the potential to compromise Defence assets including personnel, information, assets or infrastructure. This includes suspicious activity or suspected or actual breaches of security policies even where no compromise has occurred.
It is the responsibility of the individual answering the following questions within the SIRF to answer honestly and provide accurate information to the best of their ability. If you are a Defence employee and it subsequently transpires you have answered dishonestly or provided false or inaccurate information, you may be subject to a security investigation and a security breach penalty in accordance with internal MOD policies or a police investigation and prosecution, if criminal activity is suspected.
Information submitted through the SIRF will be retained under MOD’s obligations and authority as a public body, to support the security objectives of the MOD. Further details on how MOD uses personal data can be found at MOD Privacy Notice.
If you have any questions or difficulties accessing the SIRF please contact: